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How to limit the child’s time at the computer

What to do to make the child sit at the computer less time, pay more attention to learning and other useful activities.
Every year there are more and more technical innovations. They do not bypass even children. If before schoolchildren spent most of the time on the street, now children prefer to sit at a TV or computer. Naturally, this alarms parents. Indeed, all this technique can not only negatively affect the health of the child, but also take up time that would be worthwhile to usefully, for example, to read or prepare lessons.

Naturally, mothers and fathers try to forbid their children to spend a lot of time on equipment, but only in return they get not understanding, but tantrums and scandals. Of course, you can tolerate children’s discontent and insist on your own, but each parent wants to solve this problem peacefully, without screaming and cursing.

You can use programs that allow you to turn on the computer only for a strictly set time. This is very convenient, since you do not have to constantly ask the child to turn off the computer and listen to his promises about the last five minutes. The computer will shut itself down at the right time.

First of all, create a separate user account for the child without administrator rights. Then proceed depending on what version of Windows you have. In Windows XP, you need to install Windows Live in advance to add parental controls. In Windows 7 and 8, you just need to go to “Control Panel – Parental Controls.” In Windows 10, you need to add the child’s account in the “Settings – Accounts – Family and Other People” section. The link “Manage family settings via the Internet” will be available there, where in a simple intuitive interface you can not only set a flexible schedule for using a computer by a child, but also protect it from various undesirable content on the Internet.

If you can’t do what you would like using standard tools, then try using one of the popular parental control programs. One of the best options would be SkyDNS – a powerful complex for flexible time management and child protection on the Internet. If you already have a Kaspersky Internet Security (KIS) or Kaspersky Crystal protective antivirus complex, then they have parental control functions.

There are also separate alternative utilities specifically for monitoring children and managing time – Kaspersky Safe Kids, KidsControl, Time Boss, CyberMama, Spector Pro and others. You can read about their capabilities and user reviews in any popular program catalog, and after learning all the pros and cons you can decide which one suits you best. But keep in mind that you can only use the built-in Windows tools for free, all other programs are limited to a trial period and you still have to pay for them. Therefore, the best option would be to purchase the KIS antivirus package or SkyDNS subscription.

If a child is often alone at home and has access to a computer, and as you know, almost all children now know how to turn it on themselves, you can set a password that only parents will know. Accordingly, only adults can turn on the computer, and the child will get used to this state of affairs and stop being naughty. The password can be set either when entering the Windows account or in the BIOS and it will be requested immediately after turning on the PC.

But the most effective way, which will definitely help to limit the time of spending a child at a computer or TV, is a competent organization of his time. Only parents can help. The child should not have so much free time so that he does not know where to put him. It is necessary to create a certain daily regimen for the child. Then he will clearly understand that, coming from school, he must take lessons, then he needs to visit a section, read, etc. Thus, the child simply will not have so much time to sit at the computer, and there will also be no strength left for this.

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