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First Android ransomware detected

ESET Antivirus Lab has detected a virus that encrypts user files on Android smartphones and tablets.
Viruses encrypting user files have long been known by a million PC owners for their very unpleasant detrimental effects, which are sometimes disastrous in their dramatic nature.

Many of them irretrievably lost not only time and money, but also a lot of valuable documents, family archives of photos and videos, which sometimes accumulated over the course of a dozen years. After all, decrypting files encoded by a robust algorithm is almost impossible. Even with a supercomputer, this could theoretically take about 100 years.

And this terrible virus got to mobile devices. The new DoubleLocker ransomware virus, discovered by ESET specialists, is aimed at the Android mobile platform.

DoubleLocker penetrates users’ devices under the guise of a fake Adobe Flash Player application from third-party sites. Since since the 4th version in Android they refused to use Flash, many are looking for the opportunity to install it on a smartphone or tablet.

After installation, the virus activates the fake Google Play Service, receives through it root rights that provide full access to all functions of the device. After that, DoubleLocker quietly encrypts all user files, including documents, photos and videos.

Upon completion of the encryption, he changes the PIN code to random, so that the user cannot unlock the device and replaces the home screen with a message demanding to pay 0.0130 bitcoins (about $ 70) during the day to the attacker’s account.

Android ransomware virus

However, it is not a fact that after transferring the required amount your device will unlock. Many users lost all their files and incurred additional costs for specialists to restore access to the smartphone.

Therefore, we strongly recommend that you do not neglect the basics of security. Be sure to protect your devices with antivirus programs, the best of which today are:

Dr.Web Security Space
Dr.Web Light
McAfee Mobile Security
Kaspersky Internet Security
You can learn more about them and download them at one of the best sites dedicated to security.

Also download and install all applications only from trusted sources. First of all, these are popular applications from the Play Market. The rest can be downloaded from the most famous forum (registration is required).

Never follow the links from SMS or instant messengers, even from people you know or banks. Viruses can send messages from an infected smartphone or send fake messages supposedly from known sources.
Make timely copies of files that are important to you (photos, videos) from your smartphone to your computer, to cloud storage, to a USB flash drive or external drive.

In order to protect your Windows computer or laptop from viruses, use our tips from this article.

Anti-virus companies on any platform will detect a virus to sell their product, to protect against viruses. Even on a non-existent system, they will find the virus, not to mention the existing ones. That Kaspersky found a virus, and it turns out to be downloaded from the Internet during the reinstallation of the system. It’s also some kind of weirdo who writes that the virus got into the computer and the computer burned out well, or something else. Usually it is practiced in computer stores to sell antivirus for more expensive and super protection from everyone including foreign intelligence agencies. It’s a pity there is no protection against Martians, and even better with protection against idiots.

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