How to download Windows 7, 8.1, 10 from the Microsoft website
Download any edition of Windows 7, 8.1, 10, as well as Microsoft Office from the…

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Than MacBook is better than ultrabook on Windows
What to buy - a slightly used MacBook or an ultrabook on Windows, what advantages…

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Computer and vision
This article will discuss the effects of computers on vision. Initially, the article was focused…

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look inside a computer

How to increase the speed of your computer

The main causes of braking, computer malfunctions, methods for identifying and eliminating them.
If your computer began to work slowly, and some programs and plugins stopped starting, read this article and we will deal with all the main reasons. We divide the causes into several main groups.

The impact of third-party software
The most common cause is viruses. To infect the operating system with such software is quite simple if you do not have a good antivirus installed. Sources can be very diverse. This is browsing sites, connecting flash drives or installing games. You can also initiate an infection by clicking on the link or by launching the application from the web. In order to remove this software, first scan your computer with some well-established anti-virus software. Continue reading

How to build a gaming PC up to $ 1000

Features of the assembly of a mid-range gaming computer, where you can save money and what you shouldn’t do to get maximum performance at the lowest cost
Any gamer perfectly understands the fact that for a comfortable game you must have at your disposal productive hardware. Some players prefer consoles, but many use a PC and get a lot of pleasure from it.

Console or computer

There are quite a few games under the PC, and in order to play on it, additional equipment is not required (for example, a TV on which someone wants to watch a movie, football or broadcast). At the same time, the gaming computer remains a working machine and a multimedia center, therefore it is a more universal solution. Continue reading

Modernization of old PCs

Immediately, I note that the article is not one year old and it was left on the site for a change. It is clear that now on the market there is a great variety of solutions and you can buy almost everything. However, sometimes there are situations when it is the ingenuity and the hands that grow from where it should be helping out. In general, such things are being done, which is called just for fun.

It’s about the case of the PC system unit. It is clear that this is primarily a supporting structure for its components. I believe that the ability to provide ventilation inside the system unit is much more important than its appearance, since this factor is fundamental in the issue of the durability of the entire system and its fault tolerance. Continue reading

Best CPU Water Cooling Systems
High-performance processors generate a lot of heat, therefore, in order to maintain their stability, users…


Best Gaming PC Motherboards
Ladies and gentlemen, we continue our cycle of materials on building a real gaming PC.…


The best games of 2015-2017 that you could miss
We present a selection of ten excellent games that came out unnoticed against the backdrop…
