Best CPU Water Cooling Systems
High-performance processors generate a lot of heat, therefore, in order to maintain their stability, users…

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Computer Hardware Dictionary
This article describes the main components of a modern computer, describes the characteristics and the…

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How to build a gaming PC up to $ 1000
Features of the assembly of a mid-range gaming computer, where you can save money and…

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result of such searches was

Best PC Processors

UOD 2017 in many respects has become a turning point for the desktop processor market. The fact is that it was last year that Intel’s undeniable hegemony was interrupted due to the introduction of AMD’s Ryzen family of processors. And we, ordinary users, have no choice but to reap the benefits of competition between blue and red brands in the form of lower prices for the most interesting models from each manufacturer, as well as the release of new interesting models.

In 2018, AMD plans to release the second generation of its Ryzen processors, while Intel launches processors with discrete graphics Radeon RX Vega. So, very interesting announcements await us. But they are still quite far away. In addition, the processor market itself is quite complex and confusing. And how can an ordinary user not get lost? How to choose the best processor for your budget? Continue reading

How to download Windows 7, 8.1, 10 from the Microsoft website
Download any edition of Windows 7, 8.1, 10, as well as Microsoft Office from the…


How to clean your laptop from dust?
Possible consequences of dusting the laptop, self-disassembling and cleaning the laptop, useful tips on how…


The best gaming graphics cards
The gaming industry does not stand still. Every day we can watch all new releases…
