How to choose a computer
The performance of the entire computer depends heavily on the processor, so it is selected…

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How to build a gaming PC up to $ 1000
Features of the assembly of a mid-range gaming computer, where you can save money and…

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Computer Hardware Dictionary
This article describes the main components of a modern computer, describes the characteristics and the…

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The best gaming graphics cards

The gaming industry does not stand still. Every day we can watch all new releases of cool gaming accessories (keyboards, mice, rugs and headsets). The same goes for gaming hardware. We continue our series of publications on the best accessories and components for building the optimal gaming computer in 2017. And so, let’s see what we already have. Firstly, we decided on the entire gaming peripherals: keyboard, mouse and headset. Secondly, they told you about the best gaming monitors. We also recently told you about the best processors for a gaming PC. We move on, and next in turn we have an overview of the best video cards for PC. How to choose a video card, we already wrote in our material. You can also read our material on adaptive image synchronization technologies.

Without a good video adapter, you simply have no chance to play a good game hit. But when buying a video card for a gaming PC, be prepared for the fact that you have to pay a very, very substantial amount of money, which can easily be exceeded for a thousand US dollars. If you are not afraid of such an amount, then we will proceed to our rating of the best gaming video cards in 2017. Continue reading

USB port does not work. What to do?

The creation of the USB bus was a significant breakthrough in the usability of the PC. Now we can’t even imagine that to connect flash drives, printers and other devices, you need to restart the computer. Thanks to the USB bus, you can easily connect any device right on the fly.

When your USB ports suddenly stop working, a catastrophe begins. Of course, you can run to the service center with the plea to restore your PC. But we advise you to try to solve the problem with your non-working USB ports yourself. How to try to fix USB ports yourself? Here are our tips.

Tip 1. Restart your computer Continue reading

Best SSDs for gaming PC

We continue our cycle about assembling a gaming PC and the next step is to choose a device for storing information. In our past materials, which were related to possible ways to accelerate desktops and laptops, we constantly told you that the easiest way to speed up your computer is to install a solid state drive. The technology of classic hard drives is already quite old and today the use of HDD as the main storage for a PC is completely unjustified.

See also: The best processors for a gaming PC

Therefore, today we will tell you about the best and fastest solid state drives that will definitely not limit the performance of your gaming PC. And so, let’s get started.

Best SSD: Samsung 960 EVO 500GB Continue reading

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Internet security threats and how to protect yourself from them
On the modern Internet, any user, without exception, is in danger of infecting his PC,…


Drivers & Firmware
Very often I come across a situation where I need to find and download drivers…


How to recover data from a USB stick or memory card after formatting
Probably, everyone faced a situation when, after connecting a USB flash drive, memory card or…
