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Cleaning your computer from dust

The topic Cleaning the computer (judging by the queries in the search engine) from the point of view of the user for the most part involves cleaning the garbage of the operating system. Those. the word computer is identified as an ordinary user with the Windows operating system. And it’s very vain, since if the system breaks down, it can be reinstalled without problems at least a hundred times. But if the computer breaks, then you have to buy a new one.

Therefore, everyone who means cleaning the computer means the process of cleaning the operating system from garbage and viruses, I advise you to think (and read this article to the end), since this approach is fundamentally wrong. Quite a lot of users monitor their Windows, but a very small number of them clean their computers at least occasionally. Notebooks are particularly affected by this state of affairs, as dust clogs the already tiny cooling system.

In my practice, I have repeatedly come across a situation where I was the first person to look inside a computer or laptop in the 5 years that have passed since its purchase. And I looked in there because they brought me an idle or almost idle computer that heats up, reboots, slows down, etc.

Computer Maintenance
In fact, the material in this article is not limited to just cleaning the computer from dust – it’s just that topic that everyone will search on the Internet and ask search engines questions. This article describes in detail the entire process of regular computer maintenance.

The process of computer maintenance, I will describe the points from simple to complex. If you are completely new, not confident in your abilities and are afraid to break something, then you can completely limit yourself to the first two points, they are quite simple. This minimum is enough to extend the life of the computer and it is certainly better for the PC than if you do nothing at all.

Dust removal
The maintenance process begins with the simplest and most affordable task: dust removal. The computer is completely (!) Disconnected from the network and external devices.

After disconnecting the computer from the 220V network, press the power button on the system unit once – this will remove the residual charge in the computer’s power system. Often, the light on the case blinks and the cooling fan on the processor rotates.

The walls and bottom of the system unit should be wiped with a slightly damp cloth. It is not necessary to wipe the motherboard and expansion cards with a rag, because there are a lot of small parts, connectors, cables, etc. I do not recommend using a vacuum cleaner, since there is a high probability of static discharges. Integrated circuits and package elements do not need much.

Air cooling system cleaning
dust in the PC system unit

The second point to clean your computer is the cooling system. The most unpretentious and simple cooling system is air. Therefore, it is ubiquitous. Since the cooling system drives air through the system unit, it sometimes collects a gigantic amount of dust (see photo above).

Another issue is noise. Dust also plays a role here. The fact is that dust particles are deposited unevenly on the fan blades, so vibration appears during rotation.

After some time, after this, a hum appears, since due to vibration, the fan bearing begins to wear out, a backlash appears. Because of this, the vibration intensifies and a vicious circle is obtained. Due to the play, the smoothness of the fan is reduced, and its characteristics are reduced. Cooling decreases, temperature rises.

As a rule, the fan (regardless of the installation method) is removed quite simply. The main thing, as elsewhere, is to do without fanaticism and not to make unnecessary efforts. A fan is connected to the power supply system and even easier – with the help of a connector on which there is protection from a fool, so it is impossible to mix up.

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