Computer and vision
This article will discuss the effects of computers on vision. Initially, the article was focused…

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Computer and vision
This article will discuss the effects of computers on vision. Initially, the article was focused…

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How to recover data from a USB stick or memory card after formatting
Probably, everyone faced a situation when, after connecting a USB flash drive, memory card or…

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cord or log out of the system

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The best graphics cards for mining cryptocurrencies

The hysteria surrounding cryptocurrency mining still does not subside, despite the general unstable bitcoin exchange rate. But if your desire to get crypto money in the usual way is quite strong, then this article will definitely help you. In our article today we will focus on the best video cards for cryptocurrency mining, which will allow you to start making money quickly and efficiently. If you are ready, then we proceed.

Some explanation

Before proceeding directly to the ranking of the best video cards for mining cryptocurrencies, you need to make some comments. Firstly, all the models that are on this list are the best choice for the price / quality ratio. Secondly, only those models that do not suffer from a shortage in the market are included in our list. Continue reading

The computer does not turn on: reasons

It is probably hard to imagine a more terrible start to the working day: you sit down at your computer, press the power button and … nothing, but only a black screen! Agree, there is no worse problem with a PC than that when the computer does not turn on. There are many reasons why the computer does not turn on and there are very few clues about what caused such a serious malfunction. In fact, in this case there is one obvious symptom – absolutely nothing works 🙁 Nevertheless, if you approach this problem more seriously, it may turn out that the user can independently perform initial diagnostics and with a high degree of probability determine the reasons why the computer stopped turn on.

The computer turns on but does not start
Why the computer does not turn on: overheating!
In our material today, we have compiled for you the most common causes of computer failures, after which it stops turning on. So, if you encounter any of the following problems, then our article is for you. Continue reading

Where is better to download programs

There are a huge number of sites with various programs on the Internet, but how to determine what needs to be downloaded and where it is better to do so in order not to get infected with a virus?
Every day, the volume of software entering the market is increasing astronomically. Therefore, it can be quite difficult to find a resource where to download the program of interest.

Always the best way is to download the program from the developer’s site, which are usually in first place in the search engine, but this does not always happen. In addition, the user cannot always know in advance which program is best for him for certain purposes. Continue reading

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The best antiviruses
Antivirus rating based on testing by an independent laboratory SE Labs. Simon Edwards Antivirus Research…


The best graphics cards for mining cryptocurrencies
The hysteria surrounding cryptocurrency mining still does not subside, despite the general unstable bitcoin exchange…


System Admin Tools
A brief overview of several sets of system administrator tools, why they are needed and…
