Best PC Processors
UOD 2017 in many respects has become a turning point for the desktop processor market.…

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Where is better to download programs
There are a huge number of sites with various programs on the Internet, but how…

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How to build a gaming PC up to $ 1000
Features of the assembly of a mid-range gaming computer, where you can save money and…

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assemble a computer

Dummies about computers

This article is for those who flew to Mars about 70 years ago and lost contact with the Earth. And when they returned, they discovered that new obscure words appeared in the human language. One of these words is COMPUTER. Let’s try to explain to them what is …
A computer is an electronic computer (abbreviated computer). Well, what is a computer? 70 years ago, the word “Machine” was already known, so we will not explain its meaning. There will be no particular problems with the word “Electronic” either (by the way, 70 years ago this word could no longer be surprised). What about Computing? What does she calculate and who needs it? It is not such a simple question if you try to give a complete and accurate answer to it. But since we are teapots, then to hell with them, with these calculations. That’s when we learn programming, then back to this issue. In the meantime, let’s deal with the basic concepts that have anything to do with the COMPUTER. Continue reading

How to clean your laptop from dust?
Possible consequences of dusting the laptop, self-disassembling and cleaning the laptop, useful tips on how…


How to assemble a gaming computer
Buying a new gaming machine is a big investment in these financially difficult times. A…


Internet security threats and how to protect yourself from them
On the modern Internet, any user, without exception, is in danger of infecting his PC,…
