The best budget laptops
After 2014, when the economy of our country was shocked by the crisis, and the…

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Installing a cooler on a processor
Background to the experiment: CPU cooling (LGA775 socket) was provided by the CNPS7700-AICu cooling system.…

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Computer Hardware Dictionary
This article describes the main components of a modern computer, describes the characteristics and the…

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require you to pay

The best budget laptops

After 2014, when the economy of our country was shocked by the crisis, and the prices of the dollar and the euro jumped straight to heaven, the concept of a budget laptop became quite vague. If until 2014 a budget laptop is a model that could be bought in the region of 500 US dollars, today nothing has changed qualitatively. Yes, for the budget laptop you need to give all the same $ 500. But in the national currency, the price of such models has increased very seriously 🙁

Optimum Ultra-Budget Notebook Model: HP 15
The development of computing power of modern laptops for several years has taken a very tangible step. Today we can seriously say that a modern budget laptop can offer significantly greater performance compared to even average models three to four years ago. Nevertheless, when buying a budget laptop, users should be aware that they make some compromises in terms of body materials, performance, display quality and many other minor nuances. In our today’s material, we have selected for you the most successful models of budget laptops, in which these compromises are the least. Continue reading

Best SSDs for gaming PC
We continue our cycle about assembling a gaming PC and the next step is to…


What power supply is needed for a gaming PC
Normal nutrition is necessary not only for people, but also for electronic devices. Probably, many…


How to choose a laptop for work?
What criteria should a laptop meet to work, taking into account the time and ease…
