How to choose a laptop, ultrabook and netbook
Parameters of portable computers: screen size, matrix type, processor, video card, memory, hard drive, battery…

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Best CPU Water Cooling Systems
High-performance processors generate a lot of heat, therefore, in order to maintain their stability, users…

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How to limit the child’s time at the computer
What to do to make the child sit at the computer less time, pay more…

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The best games of 2015-2017 that you could miss

We present a selection of ten excellent games that came out unnoticed against the backdrop of the masterpieces of the gaming industry, but they are definitely worth playing.
We will not talk about such expected games as The Witcher 3, Fallout 4, Battlefield 1, which everyone has heard and many gamers have been waiting for years. Instead, we will talk about games that came out relatively quietly and unnoticed by some players, but nevertheless offer a very decent gameplay and plot. Continue reading

System Admin Tools

A brief overview of several sets of system administrator tools, why they are needed and how they can be useful to a regular computer user.
Every user whose work is somehow connected with a computer knows who the system administrator is and understands that this work requires knowledge in the field of information technology.

But often, knowledge alone is not enough and in order to perform diagnostics and restore the normal operation of computer technology, both ordinary and special tools are required.

Sooner or later, home users also have to deal with the maintenance of their computer. At a minimum, this is disassembling, cleaning and replacing individual components. A screwdriver is often enough for this, but when it comes to troubleshooting, this is no longer enough. Continue reading

Computer diagnostics for malfunctions

How to check the computer for malfunctions, test all components, identify problems and, if possible, fix it yourself.
Many PC owners face various errors and malfunctions in the computer, but can not determine the cause of the problem. In this article, we will consider the main methods of computer diagnostics that allow you to independently identify and fix various problems.

Keep in mind that high-quality computer diagnostics can take a whole day, select it in the morning specifically for this, and don’t start getting closer to evening.

I warn you that I will write in detail as for beginners who have never disassembled the computer in order to warn about all the possible nuances that can lead to problems. Continue reading

How to increase the speed of your computer
The main causes of braking, computer malfunctions, methods for identifying and eliminating them. If your…


What to choose: computer, laptop, ultrabook, netbook or tablet
Types of laptop computers, how they differ, advantages and disadvantages, which is right for you:…


How to choose a laptop for work?
What criteria should a laptop meet to work, taking into account the time and ease…
